How to prepare for a taco cleanse

When I first decided to go on the taco cleanse I thought it would be a cake walk, or even a taco walk, if you will. Over the first few days of transforming to an all taco diet I realized that some preparation was going to be in order. Even in my hometown of Austin Texas where tacos are plentiful they still don’t have total market penetration. I quickly learned that it’s important to bring my own tortillas for emergencies and to always have some quick pre-made taco ingredients ready to go in my fridge.  Setting myself up for success made it easier to contemplate not only where my next taco was coming from, but what my last taco was doing for me.

With that said, here is a list of some of the ways I’ve kept my refrigerator stocked and my pantry full.

So far my only disaster has been not having tortillas at work but I brought some in today. The taco cleanse definitely takes more planning that I had anticipated but it’s worth it for sure.

Rabbit Food Grocery wrote a great post about how to taco cleanse if you aren’t a cook.

13 thoughts on “How to prepare for a taco cleanse

  1. Cadry's Kitchen

    This is a lot of help for setting myself up for success when I begin my own taco cleanse. I can’t help but notice a disturbing lack of avocados and guacamole on your list, however. Do they not fit your strict cleanse requirements?

    1. lazysmurf Post author

      Don’t worry, the tomatillo salsa has a whole avocado in i! Everyone had really shitty avocados at the store so I didn’t pick any but they are a VITAL element!

  2. Jes

    So it turns out that my Feedly was completely ignoring you. Which is crazy, because why would the internet let that happen?

    Uh, duh, taco cleanse, fuck yeah!

    I’m thinking your emergency list is something akin to my standard pantry list. Hence the # of tacos in my life. Can’t wait to catch up on what you’ve posted already and get some super awesome taco inspiration!!

  3. Kathryn Hutchison

    ” Even in my hometown of Austin Texas where tacos are plentiful they still don’t have total market penetration.” *snerk* I’m not committed to the full cleanse, but I did eat a vegan taco for breakfast in your honor today. It would be impossible for me to love your writing about the taco cleanse any more than I do.

  4. Pingback: Taco Cleanse Day 5- The best refried beans ever | Lazy Smurf's Guide to Life

  5. Pingback: Broccoli Tacos with Potato and Boozy Black Beans

  6. Pingback: Taco Twins! - Glue and Glitter

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